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Answers about Algae and Phycology

작성일 24-06-26 06:01

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작성자Karry Pullen 조회 91회 댓글 0건


Algae is not typically an ingredient in ice cream. The primary ingredients in ice cream are milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings. Algae is more commonly used in f
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Algae and Phycology

What is the special features for red algae?

Asked by Wiki User

Red algae have unique characteristics such as the presence of phycoerythrin, a pigment that gives them their red color and allows them to photosynthesize in dee
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Algae and Phycology

How would you describe the differences among algae in terms of their sizes?

Asked by Wiki User

Algae can vary widely in size, ranging from microscopic unicellular species to large multicellular seaweeds that can grow several meters long. The size of algae
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Algae and Phycology

Does algae decompose like Bacteria?

Asked by Ddragon

Yes, algae can decompose similarly to bacteria. When algae die, they can be broken down by bacteria and fungi, releasing nutrients back into the environment. Th
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Algae and slimy liquid hirschhausen Erfahrungen Phycology

Fish that eat algae?

Asked by Wiki User

Some fish that commonly eat algae include plecos, siamese algae eaters, and otocinclus catfish. These fish can be beneficial in helping to control algae growth
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Algae and Phycology

What is the most numerous of all algae?

Asked by Wiki User

Diatoms are the most numerous of all algae. They are found in oceans, lakes, rivers, and soil, and play a crucial role in the Earth's ecosystems by producing a
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Algae and Phycology

What does algae produce?

Asked by Wiki User

Algae are a form of plant life and as every other form of life plays a part in the natural scheme of things. It is food for some creatures and converts sunlight
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Algae and Phycology

How do you pronounce alga not algae please?

Asked by Wiki User

"Alga" is pronounced as "AL-guh," with the emphasis on the first syllable.


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