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Brit tourists in Thai trans prostitute brawl 'like World War Three' > 자유게시판

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Brit tourists in Thai trans prostitute brawl 'like World War Three'

작성일 24-07-02 15:18

페이지 정보

작성자Clay 조회 17회 댓글 0건


A sex party with Thai sex workers and British tourists turned into 'World War Three' after one of the young men was stabbed in the stomach over a disagreement about payment that was caught on tape. 

The holidaymakers allegedly called the five transgender escorts to their villa for a mass romp along with two other women on the island of Phuket, southern Thailand, in the early hours of February 22.

But mid-way through the party, a disagreement over the prices sparked chaotic scenes that woke up the whole street. 

Shocking footage shows naked sex workers running into the road as the two groups hurled glasses and garden pots at each other over the garden wall. Inside the property, broken glass littered the floor and blood was splattered across the walls, among empty bottles and cigarettes.

A terrified neighbour watching from his balcony is heard in the video saying: 'My god, they're killing each other in there.'

Shocking footage shows naked sex workers running into the road as the two groups hurled glasses and garden pots at each other over the garden wall

A 23-year-old Brit ended up in hospital after a sex worker allegedly stabbed him 

The fight between the tourists and the sex workers looked like 'World War Three'

They added: 'It was like World War Three. Everything was being thrown around. I wanted to get a helmet for my own safety.'

Police who arrived at the scene treated a 23-year-old man from Bristol for a stab wound to his stomach before he was bandaged up and rushed to hospital. Officers said the other men in the group were also British.

Speaking this morning in the video, Police Lieutenant Phuwadech Rodthongdee asks the tourist if he is okay. 

He responds: 'No, not really, my stomach hurts, my core area, I've got no power, I need stitches.'

The fight is said to have flared up when one of the disgruntled prostitutes grabbed a wallet belonging to one of the Brits because they felt shortchanged.

In the ensuing melee, the unnamed man was allegedly stabbed with a kitchen knife when one of the prostitutes grabbed items from the drawers during the fracas.

Police who arrived at the scene treated a 23-year-old man from Bristol for a stab wound to his stomach before he was bandaged up and rushed to hospital

Five sex workers were invited back to the villa on Phuket

Police said that during the party, two of the sex workers were asked to leave and the group then only paid the remaining sex worker 2,000 Baht (£44), which was half the rate of 4,000 Baht (£88) that is said to have been agreed

Police arrived shortly after 4am local time to calm the situation. The officers questioned those involved while they investigated the mass brawl in the Kata district of the popular holiday island.

Police Captain Surasak Sudmuang said: 'We received a report of an incident at the Kata Ocean View Residence at 4 am.

'When we arrived we learned that the foreign tourists had reached out to three transgender prostitutes to come to their villa and agreed to pay them 4,000 baht each.

'After this, there was a disagreement and Bhopal Call Girls Service the altercation began. We are also interviewing the property owner who rented it to the tourists.'

Police said that during the party, two of the sex workers were asked to leave and the group then only paid the remaining sex worker 2,000 Baht (£44), which was half the rate of 4,000 Baht (£88) that is said to have been agreed.

Joseph was taken hospital for a stab wound and the other two were treated for minor injuries at the island's Dibuk Hospital.

Police Captain Surasak Sudmuang added: 'We do not have the details of everybody involved in the case and we have not charged anybody yet'

One prostitute sustained injuries to her head and arm and was taken to Chalong Hospital

The officers questioned those involved while they investigated the mass brawl in the Kata district of the popular holiday island

Additionally, one prostitute sustained injuries to her head and arm and was taken to Chalong Hospital.

Two other prostitutes sustained minor injuries and were taken to Karon Police Station for further questioning. 

Police Captain Surasak Sudmuang added: 'We do not have the details of everybody involved in the case and we have not charged anybody yet.

'We are still waiting for all of the tourists to return from the hospital to give statements at the police station.

'The prostitutes told us that the tourists started the fight. We must check both sides of the dispute.

'We want to protect tourists from being involved in dangerous situations but they also must take extra care themselves to avoid trouble.'

World War IIITransgender IssuesThailand


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