Marketing Your Property - Part 2 - Newspaper Ads > 자유게시판

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Marketing Your Property - Part 2 - Newspaper Ads

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작성자 Cliff Toomer 댓글 0건 조회 22회 작성일 24-04-19 02:42


Nessdahl Neavis died today, how uncomfortable. He was supposed to trim Mrs. Stabler's hedges and Carla Maursetter was counting on him to weed her garden. Other town folks had trees to prune, fences to mend, additionally winter fast approaching, there was all those storm windows to arrange. The old handyman's death created an irritating problem for the folks of their small Midwestern town--who was going to do every one of these odd projects? There were, of course, capable gardeners, painters, and carpenters in town, but who could afford them. Old man Neavis was cheap, reliable, instances available. A kindly call to his landlady guy would normally be photos front door in time that it took him to walk there.


"A heart attack," exactly what Doc Hansen called it, but in Eagan Creek other stories were being circulated. Some implied suicide, being he was any loner. "What did he have to live a life for?" one person injected. Others suspected food poisoning while he hoarded food like a tenacious squirrel. But the talk kept coming back to to that nagging question, whom could they will be able to do this work?

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